-Dominic Puntin, Class of 2027

The Great Squeaker, the First Constellation

In ancient times, if you were born under the Great Squeaker, the First Constellation, it was said that you would be a loving, kind, and very loud human being. You would be brave and independent, shy but always looking for attention. You would also have a great sense of humor and have good reflexes.  You would also be very observant.

These traits were based on stories told about the Great Squeaker the First.  She was a beautiful cat, trained from a very early age by the military. She was the loyal companion of the general of the armies and he taught her to squeak loudly when the enemy was near. With her great sense of smell, she could warn the general when the enemy was close by and could sniff out spies in the system. All the soldiers in the army knew her and relied on her early warning system to let them know when to grab their spears and fight.    They won every battle they fought because they were always prepared for battle before they were attacked.  

The Great Squeaker is best known for her role in the Battle of Delwin where the dwarves would come to have their final stand with the humans.   The dwarves, being small, would often surprise their enemies in battle and have a sneak attack advantage. They did not know in this battle that they were fighting the general and the Great Squeaker. They planned their usual attack strategy. The day before they planned to attack they were visited by a beautiful, loving, kind animal who just happened to be a cat. She spent time with the dwarves and learned their scent.  That night she went back to the general.  In the middle of the night, the general was awakened by the loudest squeaking he had ever heard.   He knew he had to wake his entire army up to prepare for battle. Squeakers led the general towards the mountains where the general least expected the dwarves to attack from. The battle commenced.  

The generals army won because they were prepared for battle and the dwarves were sent back into the mountains. The army had the Great Squeaker the First to thank.  She became a legend in the military and her constellation forever reminds people of her service to humans.