My Mirror

~Renzo Ma, Class of 2026

I just bought
                                          I just bought

A new mirror
                                          A new mirror

My beautiful face
                                          My beautiful face

Is reflecting back at me—


My mirror broke

                                           No mirror to see 

Myself reflecting back at me

Why Couldn’t Casey Do This?

~Matt Greco, Class of 2026

There wasn’t much joy in the Greenville air that day,

Though the sun was shining bright and the trees danced a slow sway.

The score showed 6-3, visitors, Greenville up to bat, 

and the last inning  to play

Wake was tagged at third and Boon out at first,

all the fans grimaced and sighed in dismay.

There were no gambles on the three next batsmen to hit 

the ball would surely smack right into any fielder’s mitt. 

But maybe, if the three men reach the bag’s safe, 

that would make the fans elate 

because mighty Chet would get the chance 

to step up to the plate.

The first batter up, to the astonishment of all, 

took a whack and smashed it way back to the wall. 

And the second hoping to keep the game alive,

succeeded and batted in a sweet line drive.

The third batter, could he get the bases full? 

Or would he just end the game feeling dull?

The fans stood up and cheered as he singled a ball 

right past second base.

Now this ballpark is a very loud place. 

It was the moment the fans had waited for all game, 

bases loaded and Chet in the box.

The fans all stand up and holler as he pauses and pulls up his socks. 

He then resumes, looking the pitcher in the eye

As fans move to the edge of their seats, 

waiting to see this ball good-by. 

The first pitch delivers and Chet doesn’t chase,

Though the ump says the ball went over the base.

Chet shakes his head and so do the fans

But it gets worse as Chet whiffs at the second with his own two hands.

Now everything is silent as the third pitch bullets in 

Can Chet get the win?

A fastball right down the middle to the pitchers expense

Chet thumps it right over the fence. 

Greenville wins, and the fans shout for more

But one asks,

“Why couldn’t Casey have done that many years before?”


~Landon Cleary, Class of 2026

Bombs fall

Bridge fall

Dark bomb shelter


Children fall

This shouldn’t be normal. 

No food. 

Men stay

The flag still waves.

Country broken

Spirit still stands. 

We stand with it. 

We will fight. 

They will die.

We will never stop. 

If they don’t stop.

We won’t.

We fight for this country.

How long will it take?

Two thousand nights?

Three thousand days?

We will endure.

We must endure. 

We will fight forever. 

Ukraine stands.

The world stands.

We fight for what is right.

They won’t stop 

Until the bullets in their flag are gone. 

They just can’t stop.

The risk of being under a brutal dictatorship

Is bigger than death on the field.

Death in the field is death for Ukraine.

Russian boots

Russian blood

They will fight forever. 

The voyage had begun, and had begun happily with a soft blue sky, and a calm sea.

They followed her on to the deck. All the smoke and the houses had disappeared, and the ship was out in a wide space of sea very fresh and clear though pale in the early light. They had left London sitting on its mud. A very thin line of shadow tapered on the horizon, scarcely thick enough to stand the burden of Paris, which nevertheless rested upon it. They were free of roads, free of mankind, and the same exhilaration at their freedom ran through them all.

The ship was making her way steadily through small waves which slapped her and then fizzled like effervescing water, leaving a little border of bubbles and foam on either side. The colourless October sky above was thinly clouded as if by the trail of wood-fire smoke, and the air was wonderfully salt and brisk. Indeed it was too cold to stand still. Mrs. Ambrose drew her arm within her husband’s, and as they moved off it could be seen from the way in which her sloping cheek turned up to his that she had something private to communicate.

The Oppressor 

~Michael Frahm, Class of 2026

I am Sean and I would like to tell you my story.

It started out in a tavern in the city slums and as I sat there some guy got in a fight with someone in the thieving crew that I’m currently in. As the rest of my crew got up I kept sitting down then our crew captain bursts into the room and I use control as soon as he raises his hand and roots shoot up from the cracks in the boards of the floor going towards the guy trying to fight Clate who has already pulled out a knife and his crew stood up and the roots became a sword that our crew leader pick up and started to fight the other crew leader and then metal spikes shoot up from the ground and start to fight my roots and this is becoming a crew war and the metal spikes shooting up and I start to reinforce the roots I’m controlling, and I use my last reserves to strangle the metal controller. 
