The Mystery of Death

~Jackson Kilmartin Fenn Class 2023

A bullet pierces a human torso
A lady with cancer breathes her last breath
A car rams a person crossing the street
A building collapses on an old man
A tsunami washes away all life
A shark gobbles up a little child
A man poisons the small fat lady’s drink
A depressed young girl jumps off a building 
A kidnapper chokes out a small person
A man starves to death in the woods alone

Everyone lays to finally rest
Inevitable fate, the great unknown
We journey on, uncertain of our end
A mystery we cannot help but stare
All its secrets lie beyond human sight
A mystery so great we can’t perceive
Death’s presence is felt though not seen or heard
150,000 deaths per day
It is an unavoidable future 
Everyone will breath their final breath

To think about death is a scary thing
A dread we are all very much dreading
The thought of it can make you very sick
Death is a scary thing to contemplate
At one point or another life will end

A Fight at the Game

~Akshaj Ghanta, Class of ‘23

It was the day of the Christmas game and fans
Piled in to cheer their team. The air was tense
And people debate who's going to win the game.
The teams were rivals and fans were enemies.
The game began the Celts prevail and lead.
The audience is full of both teams fans
Some fans sit next to each other and watch
While the teams fight to overcome the other.

Two fans begin to argue who will win game.
They stop and watch and don’t talk to the other.
The ref doesn’t call a foul and both start ar-
guing. They still argue over the call
And people begin to watch. They get louder
And louder ‘til one punches the other.
The other reacts and punches back and soon
They’re locked in battle; they can’t and won’t stop it.

Their fists fly fast, their tempers flare, voices rise.
They punch each other, yelling for non-stop
Until at last, security arrives.
They hold them back and don't let ’em fight
They stop the fight and keep the fighters far.
They calm them down and walk them up the stairs
Of the big stadium, the game proceeds
And people stop staring and watch the game.

The guards bring them out to the front so they
Can sort it out away from the game. They an-
Grily walk to their cars and drive back home.

Fairness and respect

~Penn Boger, Class of 2024

Life is not always fair, but it can be better that way. Sometimes I like fairness and other times I like a challenge. Sometimes I like the challenge that unfairness gives me, but it can be overwhelming and makes me want the upper hand. Other times it’s good for it to be even and fair, it all depends on the situation.
