~Parker Reesey, Class of 2024

I stand on the brink between life and death
A fabulous, gleaming emerald bridge
For one side is hued with darkness like ink,
the other with light and morality.
The chance I have to be standing here now,
An option to be assumed untroubled.

I may be looking upon heaven and hell,
As each of their characteristics match.
I may be looking upon life and death,
As the circumstances do fit quite well.
Or behind each door lies a truth untold.
Who does really know what lies behind death
Which one I shall choose remains a problem,
As I don't know what either of them are.

But I believe that if I choose the light,
I could live up to my wildest of dreams,
The most impressive man that walked world 
Has ever seen. Or I might go on to fly,
With both those glorious angelic wings,
Hovering above the clouds in the sun.
And I believe that if I choose the dark,
I would die a peaceful and a pleasant death,
that floats into the void I never see.
I might plunge down to the blazing heat of hell,
A’land of distraught unforgiving pain,
being of spirit and soul stuck in’a hole.
But I now wonder, if I were to run,
From the inevitable fate that is
Doomed to come. The fate’of death gets all but some.
The few that run, do so by accepting
their fate and fully refusing to lie.
They leap headlong into the tight hold’of death.

I stand and wait and rack my searching brain
T’process, the endless outcomes to come’of this.
I decide to take my chances with the dark
As I know that it is my resting place.
For I and I alone know my full past,
And I know that I alone will not last.