Time Trials
~Max Yerid, Class of 2023
An uphill-running battle
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.
~Fred DeVito
Challenge is a plague to us all. The amount of times that I’ve done something without any form of adversity is slim to none. Whether I’m in the classroom, running in cross country or even just playing games by myself, there are hardships embedded within all of my actions. A reward will not be awarded until a challenge is overcome.
(more…)Hard Times
~Jackson Kilmartin, Class of 2023
Starting from behind
Hard work pays off, whatever you do
-Dustin Lynch
Hard work is so much more than one hour, one day or one week. If it wasn’t for hard work I would not be in the place I am today. I started hockey as a 6th grader, behind everyone else. Kids have been skating and playing for years longer than me. I had to put in hard work if I wanted to make a club team and take that next step. I put on my pads for the first time ever. As a 12 year old 6th grader, very small and new to hockey. I was nervous and my legs were shaking as I waited for the ice to be done when I stepped on to play hockey for the first time. Some of my friends like Sam Griwold or Harry Lavoie were there with me but these guys have been playing most of their lives. I was awful, falling almost every second and coming in last in the skating drills. As I got off the ice that day I wanted to quit, I was the worst out there and I didn’t feel good about myself. The next day I went back on the ice. Harry taught me a few things and I could already feel myself getting better. Every day for that 6th grade winter JV season I kept trying and slightly improving. By the end of that season I was loving the ice time with my friends and I was rarely falling, that season was when I fell in love with the sport.
(more…)First Time
~Tommy Belin, Class of 2027
Powder Ice And lots of it Falling Trying to get up Failing, trying. It’s hard Never giving up Feeling bad for my self But that does nothing for me Try to go from toe edge to Heel edge. Fall on my butt Hurts a lot I feel like I should never do this again. “It is too hard” I yell Never Give Up! Just Move on!
~Bode Johnson, Class of 2027
Traffic, traffic, traffic I hate traffic Do you hate traffic? Because traffic is… traffic!!!!!! In traffic you sit in your seat for hours Days, months, year’s, and even decades traffic can be caused by random things like old people! and ducks who in their right mind likes ducks? there just chickens that swim Do you still like traffic? Oh I see how it is buddy Let me tell you more Traffic can be caused by a car crash sure you have to see if there ok but that does not mean you should be messing with your driving time it’s unacceptable Oh and your ears die Honk, Honk, Honk! Man I love trips but I also hate them The trip itself is fine but the car ride brutal “It’s going to an hour Bode” But no! traffic sets us back 2 hours 2 hours down the drain 2 whole hours— that’s outrageous So that’s why I hate traffic